28 Sept 2023 (2 min) read
The building will now be demolished, making way for another redevelopment now pervasive within the historical industrial district.
Saturday, 30 September, 2023 | 10AM – 2PM
45 Yew Street, Salt River, Cape Town
This exhibition of ink-on-canvas and calico works marks the conclusion of Kamyar Bineshtarigh’s interaction with his studio building in Salt River, Cape Town. The studio’s complex has acted as a site for the immersive physical and theoretical making of Bineshtarigh’s most recent bodies of work. In its unique and nuanced holding of history, movement, decay, light and bygone presence, the studio has become both an active contributor and energetic container for the artist’s practice.
Bineshtarigh’s current solo exhibition at Southern Guild, 9 Hopkins, features large-scale works that were pulled from the building’s walls, along with found interventions peeled away from the structure of the auto-repair shop on the ground level of the complex. The studio also acted as the site of creation for Bineshtarigh’s 2022 solo exhibition, Uncover at Norval Foundation in Cape Town.
The presented abstracted canvas works were produced while hung against the peeled away walls of Bineshtarigh’s studio. Using printing ink, bleach and cold glue, the textural gestures offered the artist a return to the daily act of painting between the making of 9 Hopkins’ wall pullings. This layered interchange of creative fruition and excavation, addition and extraction, has retained an energetic residue within the space.
The building will now be demolished, making way for another redevelopment now pervasive within the historical industrial district. The exhibition – inviting a suspended moment of community and exchange – eulogises the closing of the artist’s studio space.
RSVP to rsvp@theguildgroup.co.za